Tailored courses

If you have special requirements, I can create the best solution for you and alongside you.

For example, if you want to do a live 1-to-1 or group course, but you know that you might miss several lessons because of work or family commitments, I can create recorded video-lessons just for you, during which I will guide you step by step through fun activities.
You’ll soon forget the lesson is recorded and will be tempted to respond to me!
You can view these lessons as many times as you want, and you won’t feel as though you have missed out on anything.
Who it is for
What you will learn
Duration and materials
(1+1 = + results – cost)

Italiano tutti i giorni (Italian every day)

Italiano tutti i giorni – Many students want to practise their Italian every day and would like a guide to help them on their way. But live lessons every day would be too much of a commitment To meet these requirements, I can create a course just for you and you’ll receive interactive mini-lessons every day by email or WhatsApp: voice messages to respond to, videos to watch with comprehension questions to answer, a new expression to practise, a real-life situation in which you must communicate… the possibilities are endless!

Ideal for you if

You want to practise your Italian every day and be guided by the teacher, but don’t want any time constraints or appointments. What you will learnThis course is designed for all levels.

What you will learn

This course is designed just for you to practise every day with the teacher’s help

How long

Every day (Monday to Friday)
calendario flessibile da concordare con l’insegnante
Provided by the teacher via email or WhatsApp


150 euros for 1 month – 415 euros for 3 months
Who it is for
What you will learn
Duration and materials
(1+1 = + results – cost)

Italiano per te (Italian just for you)

Ideal for you if

Italiano per te – This course is designed for all levels, particularly if you are very busy and can’t commit to regular lessons.

What you will learn

This course is designed for all levels, particularly if you are very busy and can’t commit to regular lessons.

How long

Duration to be agreed based on your requirements
Flexible schedule to be agreed with the teacher
Provided by the teacher


Variable depending on the agreed programme. Scrivimi compilando il form dei contatti per chiedere un percorso personalizzato su misura per te e avere un preventivo.