Let’s meet up for coffee to chat in Italian and practise together.
Meet people from around the world who share your passion: Italy and the Italian language!
It’ll be interesting and fun!
The Social Club is free for all the students of Italian on the Couch.
If, on the other hand, you just want to participate in the Social Club, without enrolling in my courses, it has a monthly cost of 98 euros per month (every 4 weeks).
You can choose one session per week:
Beginners: every Monday at 5.30 pm (Italian time)
Intermediate: every Monday at 4:30 pm (Italian time)
Advanced: every Thursday at 10 am (Italian time)
Every week we’ll talk about a different subject: music, cinema, food, art and will do lots of practice activity.
We also learn and practice a new expression and a new gesture, to speak like a real Italian!
The Club is divided in different levels and I’ll help you express yourself based on your knowledge, even if you’re a beginner!
How to join?
If you are one of my stuents, you will receive an email with the invitation link and all the details.
If you are not enrolled to ine of my courses, you can purchase the monthly subscription, by clicking on the button below:at